Wednesday, March 30, 2005

And What Of Parenthood?
They’re cute as babies
Terrible when toddlers
And near on impossible as teenagers.
My only role seems to be as referee
Between their spats.
And then as if by magic
They turn on me!
But I’m preparing them for life,
The world outside.
How to win an argument
How to get out of a job
How to con money out of middleaged defenceless ladies,
And how to melt a heart
With one little smile,
Three words,
One kiss.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

New beginnings, old endings

His touches me in ways, no other has touched me
He moves me inside, in a way I’ve never been moved
His sings to my soul, a tune I’ve not heard before
He holds me in his arms, all consuming and safe
He has a look in his eye, I cannot distinguish
He has a place in my heart, I cannot relinquish

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Early One Morning
I park the car and watch.
Watch the waves mimic each other,
as they play chase to the seashore.
The sun is already high,
iluminating a yellow path over them,
and towards me.
I try to remember wave formation
I was taught over thirty years ago.
I can't.
So I just submit myself to its
serene beauty instead.
And wait for time to pass.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Tread lightly underfoot
My love
Save you trample on emotions
Deeply hidden underground.
Touch softly, skin,
My love
Arouse in me deep desires
Slowly burning beneath.
Transform slowly, feelings,
My love,
Find the key to my soul,
Brightly shining, inside.
Its All UpHill!
I walk up the hill
Drinking in the view.
I get to the top,
Sit, and catch my breath.
It’s difficult,
As the scene before me
Is breathtaking in itself.
The cliffs float down to the sea
Which disappears into the horizon.
The sun glances off the water
Making it difficult to focus,
On boats, as they cross the bay.
There is peace all around,
But a feeling washes over me.
Something is missing…………..

Friday, March 04, 2005


Naughty thought for today!

A naughty thought
Crosses my mind……
Crème caramel on me…..
……and you!!!!!!!


Two sides of the same pebble.
Both come and go in waves
Sometimes the tide stays out,
And I tread the shores of happiness
The sun beating down on my back,
Light breeze in the air, joy in my heart.
Not a care in the world.
Then the tide turns,
And the waves come crashing down on me,
Pushing me under, I’m drowning!
Gulping for air, dark, lonely, scared!
But I fight my through, up to the surface,
I’m a fighter,survivour
I will get there,and I do,
I rise,back to the shore and the brightness,bursting.
Glad to free of the darkness,
Relishing each day,hour,minute,with gladness and hope
Family and friends,loved ones,known and those I’ve yet to meet.
Not wanting to waste a minute,
Drinking in the beauty of life,
Always mindful of the turning tide.


He’s indiscriminately discriminate with his feelings
Selfishly unselfish in what he does
Laughably serious with his thoughts
Quietly loud with his views
Childlike adult with his humour
Searchingly lost in his quest
Slowly catching me unaware
Intimate Friends.

I met an old lover today,
Lyrics of Paul Simon
Sang in my head.
We sat,
Fully clothed,
In a pub,
Exchanging pleasantries.
Each holding eye contact
For a little longer than we should.
That look that you
only share with those who have
Seen you naked,
On hot sweaty nights,
And at your worse
With a hangover,
And bedhead,
In the morning.
Although no reminiscences were spoken,
We each replayed those memories,
Like old movies,
Through our heads,
And smiled our secret smiles.
News was caught up on,
And gossip on those we still have in common.
Time came for our goodbyes.
We walked outside,
Back into the world,
And reality.
Yet it did not seem
That either of us wanted it
To be the end.
It had started to rain,
He had walked there,
So it only seemed polite(and a good excuse)
To offer him a lift.
And a little more time
For words not to be spoken.
As he got out the car,
He leaned over and gave me a kiss,
Acceptable for friends,
But somehow not for an old lover.
He went his way,
Into his new life,
And me into mine.
But I know those films
Will play through my head,
At the dimming of the day.